Mon 27 Jan
50%0FF 50%0FF 50%0FF RaTED ☆☆☆☆ 's HALF 0FF 0VERNiGHTS- 2 SEXY WOMEN for the price of 1
(Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, Traveling to you)
* *EVERY* *MAN'S* *DREAM* *SoMeTHiNg YoU MuST EXPeRieNCe 100 SpecIaLs! - 33
(La Crosse, Lacrosse/Winona and surrounding areas)
Sexual enhancement right now! - 23
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Right here, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Sexy CURVY PlayMate ready to SPICE up your weekend -- 100% REAL & Recent Pics - 23
(Wausau, Your place or mines)
🎉🎲Se✘X✘Y, BBW 😇 ★Let me be your new addiction👄★PLEASE READ★ screening required.TOMAH area . - 34
(Eau Claire, La Crosse, Tomah /mauston/ portage and surrounding)
Sexy Sonya the cougar is here to rock your world, specials out of this world for you! - 35
(La Crosse, L.Crosse)
Sun 26 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Taking you by the hand and walking you into a erotic fantacy - 24
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
You can have this dream girl once in a lifetime experience - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, In town, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
sexy spanish waiting to suprise u. will fifull all your fantasys specials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 23
(La Crosse, la crosse southside)
Great attitude! Great reviews and a Great special! - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, In the city)
HOT BODY and a Fun Personality - Available Now! - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, anywhere you want me!)
Fri 10 Jan
Ever Wonder if that Totally Hot Babe is a Shemale? >> - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
I'm waiting to have fun I need someone to have it with give me a call baby sweet as sugar - 25
(La Crosse)
Thu 09 Jan
♥ T°O°P° __ °O°F° __°T° H °E° __ °L°I° N°E °__°F°R °E°A°K° ♥ - 22
(La Crosse, In/Out calls Surrounding La crosse)
The Girl Next Door has Naughty Secret - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Touch me👋🏾Tease🙀😻😺But don't for get to please me💦🍑 👅🍆incall specials all day only don't miss out - 23
(La Crosse, lacrosse)
¥ÕU wÕn F¡nD Ân ¥h¡Ng BR Âv¡LÂBL NØWHOTT!specials - 23
(La Crosse, Ur Place/My Place 90W/53S Surrounding)
Wed 08 Jan
🆕__ ❤[[SNEAK]]❤__❤[[AWAY & PLAY]]❤ __❤[[WITH A]]❤__ ❤[[SEXY BLoNDE]]❤__❤[[TODAY]]❤ __$100 InCaLL! - 24
(La Crosse, ❤__ Incall Only! *VALLEY VIEW MALL* __❤)
👅 💦 Waterfall Specials ✔ 100% Real ✔ Ready ✔ Here 💋 Affection At Its Best 💋 - 25
(Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Surrounding Madis Janesvi Portag ETC)
💜💙Mind 💨skills simply sweet your upscale treat 2626133355 100 sp❤💙💜 - 25
(La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Milwaukee out call only, Sheboygan)
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun! - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, In town, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Tue 07 Jan
The tripple Ultimate Two Girl show ♡♥♡♥ Ms. Onyx - 20
(La Crosse, lacross wis Ms. yummy 414-552-8046)
HOT HOT HOT💦💦💦💦 NEW in town! Visiting :)💦💦BLONDE American Barbie Doll💦💦💦SWEET & BUSTY💦💦 - 22
(La Crosse, Lacrosse)
StOp LoOk No FuThEr Kellie Is BaCk 1_608_515_13572 - 24
(La Crosse, Lacross/Surroundin Area I do Travel)
INDEPENDENT: Exotic and Passionate Fun for U! - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, In town, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
New Hottie in Town! Gorgeous! And Waiting for You! - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Mon 06 Jan
LuSCioUs ⓒⓤⓡⓥⓨ ExoTIc Big ⓑⓞⓞⓣⓨ EboNy *LimITed TiMe Only* ☞ 100sPeciALs ☜ - 23
(La Crosse, La crosse surrounding areas)
*special deals night b4 Thanksgiving!* BEST IN LA CROSSE 608-799-8868 (IN/OUT Lax Area) - 20
(La Crosse)
Lookin to Entice .......With my soft touch .....CALL NOW 414-899-0733 call now 10/27/2012 - 28
(La Crosse, MINE/YOURS)
(((5 Star Looks, 5 Star Service, Your Elite Companion ..The Beauty and the Brains!.)) - 23